Thursday, March 10, 2005
When computers suck

I'm so mad at Blogger right now! This is the third time I've tried to post my battle for the week and now I'm here, cutting into my favourite night of television (CBS), to write my post. But at least it shows that I'm dedicated :-)

So, to make a long story short. Today I listened to The Very Best of Cat Stevens for the first time. Loved it. Glad I know now who sings the ORIGINAL "The First Cut is the Deepest" because I can't stand the whiney Sheryl Crow version. Point of my battle: Old school rocks! If you can't take a cool, old school song and make it your own, a la Tori Amos, then you're only trying to make a Top 40 hit and I don't like you. I had to mention Tori in this post because it's about music and I just want to remind myself about how fabulous of a musician she is. My reason for loving her experimentation with other people's songs is due to my love of her Strange Little Girls album. It came out a few years ago and it's a whole album filled with songs formerly sung by men. There are some interesting and beautiful versions of some great songs on the album. But the point is Tori rocks! And so do all the other fabulous musicians who put their own stamp on every song they sing.