Wednesday, August 24, 2005
What I hate (there are many things but for now we'll just worry with this)

What I hate: stupid fights

I was in line at the bank earlier today and I saw a lady reading "How to Have Relationships" (sidenote: not something you might want to read in public).

What I hate more than stupid fights: relationship books

But the point is I probably wouldn't have given a darn about relationship books if it hadn't been for stupid fights so they get to share the same post.

I hate relationship books because the reason why we're special and human is 'cause we were given this nifty little device called logic and reason. We really shouldn't need a manual to tell us how people and our interaction with them works. But, hey, who am I to judge?

'Cause then someone really stupid had to go and make emotion, which just completely blurred out logic OR reason.


I wish that I wasn't such a coward and didn't hide behind stupid, snarky comments and just say what pisses me off. But instead I'm more afraid that my feelings (you know, the really stupid girly emotional feelings that many of us women were given- somewhere along the line someone thought it would be really funny to totally pour the whole barrel of emotion into me) aren't worth ten cents and so I'm just right back to that whole snarky thing.

Oy. I'm going to eat some chocolate now.