Remember when you were in school and everyone used to figure out what their porn star name would be by putting together random words from their past like the first street they lived on and their mother's maiden names. Here's a couple more alias' to add to that list:
My Dating Diva name is something sweet within sight + any liquid in my kitchen= Pug Crystal Light
My Girl Detective name is my favourite baby animal + where I last went to school= Puppy Charleston
My Barfly name is the last snack I ate + my favourtie drink= Honey Nut Vodka
My Porn Star name is the name of my first pet + my mother's maiden name= Fuzzy Oatway
My Soap Opera name is my middle name + the name of the 1st street where I lived= Robyn Seymour Farm
My Road Trip name is what I had for breakfast + where I last peed beside the road= English Muffin Paget
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