Friday, April 01, 2005
Two for one special

I'd just like to make mention of the blogs I've listed on my sidebar. They're all blogs I've come across one way or another but I've enjoyed reading all of their stories and being inspired by some of the cool things they say and post. So, a big thank you!


Another Conversation Overheard
Either I'm just really pokey or strangers have just been saying some really funny things lately.

I was having lunch with my boyfriend today and the people who were sitting at the sushi bar next to us were engaged in a serious conversation. Well, actually, now that I think about it I don't remember the one guy ever speaking since his friend was quite a talker.

When the waiter came over to give them forks and knives Talker told him that he didn't need a fork. Not a huge shocker since we were in a sushi restaurant and most people these days do know how to use a pair of chopsticks. But Talker proceeded to tell his lunch buddy how his father doesn't eat with a fork because of the dangers of eating with that particular utensil. Talker explained that a friend of his dad's had been eating with a fork and someone had hit him in the head and the fork had pierced the back of his throat. Thankfully, the guy lived, Talker said, but his father now refuses to eat with a fork because of the potential of an accident such as that occurring. I swear I don't make this stuff up.