Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Buenos Aires isn't the city of amor but they sure like to think so.

I guess maybe it's just the European influence (why is it that Europeans are so darn passionate?) but the people here just love to kiss. In all sorts of places. I mean not all sorts of places on their selves but like in line at Blockbuster (that's the favourite so far), on the side of the street, at dinner.

Now I've always liked to hold hands in public but even then it makes me feel a little awkward. And when I woke up the morning after "meeting" NTF for the first time I was appalled at the memory of making out like two overly horny high school kids at the bar. I thought it was some sort of dream, damn! a really good dream, but not in front of all my new friends and a bar full of people who probably know my mom and dad personally.

It is so sweet, though when you see an older couple hold hands throughout dinner or when you see a husband with his arm draped around his wife's shoulders as they walk down the street. Content with just each other. You wonder if that type of passion, the one where, no matter where you are- walking across the street, ordering a cup of coffee- if you all of a sudden just want to start kissing the person you care about like there's no one else in the world around you that that is the best kind around. The kind that continues forever.

Maybe that's what the rest of us are all missing. No, it's no fun to watch other people do it. But when you are in that moment holding that person and thinking about only them, it is the most amazing feeling ever. But then there is a lot more to it than that. It could be a passionate conversation, or the way a person looks at you, or the touch of their hand pressing your back as you move together somewhere. I guess the portenos like to show their affection a little more. They're not too afraid of passion and showing it.

I know that if I go back home and start snogging NTF in the middle of the day on Front Street he might think the dulce de leche has gone to my head. But I can't help wishing I was with here with him. Standing on the corner of the street. The flash and rush of the city around us but not a care in the world. Just me. Him. A kiss.