Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Needing it like a heroin addict needs...

I wanna write so badly. But instead it all just sounds so dull. I'm going to start whining so maybe if my one reader is about to get all giddy over me writing (he, he he, don't I wish I could be loved from afar) they might wanna stop now.
It could get deliriously boring.
It's just that there is so much to say like how shitty and short life is but I don't think I could really give that subject the justice it deserves. But then in the same breath I could talk about how delicious life is but then that would totally be boring and my one reader would be gagging on his/her own vomit and that just wouldn't be nice or the right way to win admirers. So, instead, I'm just not going to say anything at all because what was all that hoopla about silence being golden?

See. Wasn't that nice :-)
Be back in another month.